The modern nomad, craft and art, an all-rounder, fairy tale, at least annually, or roam the Wild jutaa of Inari, in Spanish, between Norway and the rest of the world. Inari, bright summers and private accommodation and craft company to attract a fairy tale to Finland. The Spanish olive groves, in turn, will require hard work, and in the late autumn, at the time of the turn of the year. Inspired by his own artistic work and handicrafts to the design he gets from trips to different parts of the world. Helsinki, childhood and adolescence in the home city, is staging a fairy-tale wandering way of life in the middle of it.Several criteria, the fairy tale Natuselle has grown into a deep respect for nature. Private, respect the outside observer's view of the saamelaisuuteen was born as a child when habitual residence was in Helsinki, but the Summer was spent summers and holidays. For example, the fairy tale his grandmother already taught himself Natunen Sami handicrafts. Adult sisnatöiden and manufactured by the surplus from the skins he made small-woven ribbons, which are sold to the tourists, according to the example of adults. Sami handicrafts making on the little girl's role model was my grandmother, who made the slippers, hair, shoes, and other Sami handicrafts. All sought to make by hand. Wild explains that the goods Exchange and trading has always been as an integral part of the Sami way of life.From childhood to the enthusiasm of the artistic work, and make the hand started to have continued through life. Michael Wild has studied in France and the Sámi training centre etc in Inari. Fairy tale my enthusiasm for new issues, however, has been the main incentive to experiment with new materials and techniques.Connecting the various natural materials has always interested the fairy tale Natusta. She wonders: "what are the correct the Sámi tradition crafts?" He has come to the conclusion that they use the materials only for the reindeer and the wood, maybe also the sheep from wool. Strictly speaking, the dyed fabrics, glass beads and decorative strips are not part of the Sámi in their own production but they have been, and still are, to import the stuff. Natusen is of the opinion that it is a good idea if, as well as the so-called traditional and new Sámi handicraft developed at the same time. Vibrant culture does not exist, if it is not, at the same time develop forward.I wonder if all the cultural exchange that does not contain many fairy tale Natusella material or technique to try? Lifelong learning and learning how to felt necessity. Social contacts to various job functions, as in the Wild, so the interest is created by the kohteidenkin goes on. Photography has been one of the most cherished hobbies of Natusen, which has been useful to his all in Brentwood.Reindeer and reindeer herding, respect is only deepened over the years. Today, already, sisnanahan, organically tanned reindeer leather, exact abuse is Natuselle important. Wild wonders that the reindeer is, at the same time for many things. It is a plain food and the material, which, however, are valued highly. The reindeer is a mythical animal, which is associated with the beliefs and stories. The fairytale tells the story, how the gods sent the Wild reindeer herding Sámi to help everyday food and material shortages. The reindeer is an animal that involves conflicting thoughts, love and hate. There is no one like our own flower on land or in traffic. But his days are so much in favor of the conservative things that only the sky is the limit. Before the North barren in the wild reindeer has been respected, therefore, that only a few of the materials have been available and have had to take good care of it. Today well-maintained for many Finnish and the Sami reindeer herd is a guarantee of a livelihood.Nowadays, a fairy tale by the TCS manufactured or jewellery in the sisnanahkaa may be even just a minor element. For example, not according to the spirit of a reindeer ornament. Wild has been involved in developing the Sisnaa project – reindeer reindeer leather sisnanahan use. Sisnakengät, clothing, accessories and various types of bags are the latest ideas for leather use. Ideas for a fairy tale Natusella is enough, so much so that all of them do not even have time to take in the subcontract.The current Nativa Sapmi-stores and Villa Lanca and Sea Lanca-accommodation for companies who run the fairy tale is scheduled as fully as possible. The fairy tale and her husband travel, thanks to the traveler can buy Inari Spanish olive oil, double your space your home from your travels between Europe and halkovilta found in the handicraft products, the future of reindeer in Lapland or Finland-products. The world also sides of living in the cities, artisans have Sadulle so the sale can come even though its close relatives in the mountain villages of Thailand travel kädentaitajienkin products.