-We put in good time the wish machine factory that the machines should not be in the past. Stayed in the picture that it is never recorded in any official, but remained only the viewing level. We stressed this several times, and on the eve of the FAT:in machine factory promised that the machines are leaving quickly after the FAT:in. In reality, the paint had FAT morning only one out of three computer was ready. The other 2 newly completed the next day, pieced together FAT:eihin. Because we do not have reliable information on the computers FAT:in, we, the project manager was actually watching planes a week after FAT:in and they were even painted. Again, we have had to place more emphasis on the urgent need for the machinery. Eventually, a truck driver, took care of the two Marine in order to no longer be lisäviivästymiä. Kone factory refused to pay this, Peter Eklöf has promised to come back to it a few times but, despite this, the Board does not have the muistutteluista Lauri happened still.