Esan kanssa keskusteltiin siitä, että olisiko hingeshort ja hingelong mahdollista tehdä yhdellä muotilla, jossa irroitettava jalkaosa? Samoin magnetshort ja magnetlong. Alentaisiko tämä kokonaismuottikustannusta?
With ESA discussed whether it is possible to do in one of the former hingeshort and hingelong, with removable foot? As well as magnetshort and magnetlong. Alentaisiko this kokonaismuottikustannusta?
Esa was discussed that would hingeshort and hingelong possible to make a single mold with removable foot section? Similarly, magnetshort and magnetlong. This would bring the total cost of the mold?
with esa, we discussed the fact that would hingeshort and hingelong possible one of which an ejectable bead? the same magnetshort and magnetlong. alentaisiko this kokonaismuottikustannusta?