Cheap children's day care, public health care and schools are an important competitive asset in Finland, said the the gaming company Reforged Studios founder Teemu V.They weigh the balance in it, where a company might want to set up and why the best minds would work in Finland. When we talk about the competitiveness of Finland, the welfare State is not the only cost.V is made a career in the big game companies abroad since 2007, most recently in the Riot Games-game company in California. Now he and the other three in the gaming industry konkaria have set up a new company and returned to Finland. The founders have been working on the pelibrändien of known as World of Warcraft, Battlefield, Need for Speed, League of Legends, and Warhammer."We consider the number of months where we set up a company in Finland, the United States, the United Kingdom and to examine and Canada. I myself did not have a special motivation to return to Finland, "Wendy says.In the end, however, Finland won. In addition to the two founders of the Studio works in the Reforged employees, and the company is the first game in the seed funding."Of course the issue affected the reputation of the games industry as a new Finnish really hard mekkana, and possibly Tekesistä. But elsewhere there is a tax benefits ", V.Most, however, was the return of a welfare State and its entrepreneurs and a safety net for workers.Students with the best minds in Finland to workIn the United States, especially in California and other technology centers, in living is to have hidden costs, V."Here in California, already have two children, day care costs more than $ 2,000 a month. The salaries are higher, but they are eaten up by living costs, such as health care, housing, retirement savings and children's college funds. Compared to Finland's taxes are not much the press. "At the same time, big salaries mean entrepreneurs to high costs. Vilenin for the price of one, an experienced California game developer gets from Finland to the entire team. In Finland, the game is a lot cheaper-or Finland to win the race the ability to compare at lower työvoimakustanuksilla.V edullisine of the Finnish welfare State, believes that päiväkoteineen and kouluineen be able to attract skilled labour, especially for families."The costs of acquiring the family are in the United States the huge and getting children to be punished severely. In Finland, it is easier to live in ", V.This week, for example, the New York Times wrote about how the culture of Silicon Valley technology companies, in particular, there is a perhevihamielinen. Parenting is seen as youth and hard work ihannoivassa safety culture as a burden.The Parliament in the run-up to the elections, initially worried about the cuts concentrated in economic policy followed by the V discussion. Safety net saving would undermine the competitiveness of Finland, according to him. Now the debate has got the Vilenin believes that there are other shades."What a better safety net, the easier it is to go to an entrepreneur. You can calculate the risk of entrepreneurship for society. "The subject is also within the United States, monitors V says, referring to the recently published an article in The Atlantic magazine, the link between entrepreneurship and social safety nets.Although the Reforged Studios will hire a Finnish experts whenever possible, including, if necessary, import foreign labour should be fast."Work permits for the waiting time should be from months to days. Work with the change also could do with the help of red tape, "Wendy says.