Saisimmeko tarjouksen saranamallin hajottajan muoviosien muoteista. Ohessa viimeisimmät versiot ja RFQ-taulukossa vuosivolyymiarviot. Materiaali on vielä avoin, tarjoaisitko materiaalilla, jolla on hyvä murtolujuus.
May we offer hinge model hajottajan plastic parts from the molds. Please find below the latest versions and the annual volume of the RFQ-table. The material is still open, tarjoaisitko material, which is a good tensile strength.
May we offer diffuser Hinge design of plastic parts from molds. Here are the latest versions and RFQ-table annual volume estimates. The material is still open, would offer a material having good tensile strength.
can we get an offer saranamallin hajottajan plastic parts dies. enclosed the latest versions and rfq - table vuosivolyymiarviot. the material is still open, do you want to buy material, which has a good tensile strength.